The resources here are free to use and download under Creative Commons copyright. This means you can use and share them but we would appreciate an email requesting permission if you want to rebrand the materials for your own practice or translate them into another language. Please acknowledge the source of the materials as appropriate.
- Evidence Brief on assessment, diagnosis and treatment of Childhood Apraxia of Speech This handout provides a brief summary of the current (January 2024) research evidence which can be used with funding agencies, schools and other health professionals.
Information for parents and carers about ReST treatment
- Parent Handout – General information for parents about ReST. This PDF will help you decide if ReST is the right treatment for an individual child. Use it to help guide discussions between the speech pathologist and the family.
- Readiness Checklist
Resources for clinicians
- Manual This 2nd edition of the ReST manual contains detailed instructions about every step of ReST therapy. It should be used in conjunction with this website as they are interwoven.
- Polysyllables Polysyllabic words can be used for assessment purposes and/ or as a follow-up probe. Polysyllabic sentences are for older children who have less severe difficulties. They will challenge a child’s motor skill abilities.
Therapy Materials
- In English. These materials have been used in our studies to provide therapy. You can use them freely and adapt them to your client.
- Resources in Other Languages.
- Italiano
- Dansk
- Português
Therapy Materials
For materials in languages other than English please follow this link
English Language Materials
- Word Lists for Therapy
- Visual timetable
- Treatment data graph
- Resources donated by other SLPs
Word Lists for Therapy
Please see the manual on how to use these word lists in therapy. We have provided example words in 2 and 3 syllable forms and accompanying therapy resource materials (cards, powerpoint displays and data sheets). You can use these for your client without any changes IF they need the same phonemes BUT if they need to work on different phonemes you can modify them. One of the easiest ways to do this is by using the Microsoft Word/ Powerpoint “replace” function.
2 Syllables
- 2 syllable ReST cards /f d b k/
- 2 syllable ReST cards /g f t b/
- 2 Syllable ReST cards /k f j bl/
- 2 syllable ReST wordlist /f b d k/
- 2 syllable ReST wordlist /g f t b/
- 2 Syllable ReST wordlist /k f j bl/
3 Syllables
- 3 Syllable ReST cards /b tʃ s g/
- 3 Syllable ReST cards /k f j bl/
- 3 syllable ReST wordlist /b tʃ s g/
- 3 syllable ReST wordlist /f b d k/
- 3 Syllable ReST wordlist /k f j bl/
- 3 Syllable ReST wordlist /p r th g/
Click here to learn more about the ReST stimuli in Murray et al., (2015).
Therapy Data Sheets
These are modified versions of the data sheets we used in the research. You need to populate it with the words you have selected for each child. Please feel free to modify the forms as you need to but remember that systematic data collection is really important to step up and step down your goal hierarchy.
Data Sheets with Stimuli
Use these data sheets if the stimuli are appropriate for your client. To modify the stimuli to meet your client’s needs, use the ‘replace all’ function in Word. Select one of the ‘all 12 sessions data sheets’ and one of the ‘all 12 sessions PowerPoints’ files. There is a separate version of these for phrases and for single words.
Open the document, select the column with the treatment words, use the ‘replace all’ function (Ctrl+H) and save the file with a new name. For example, to change from our list with fdbk stimuli to ftbk, open the data sheet file, select the column with our words in it, use the menu to go to ‘replace’, then enter ‘d’ in the ‘find’ box and ‘t’ in the ‘replace’ box and select ‘replace all’. You have just created a new set of words. You can also do the same with the PowerPoint slides if you are going to use them.
- Data sheet for all 12 sessions – 3 syllable words
- Data sheet for all 12 sessions – phrases
- PowerPoint for all 12 sessions – 3 syllable words
- PowerPoint for all 12 sessions – phrases
3 syllables (btfg) Data Sheet
2 Syllables (fdbk)
2 Syllables (btfg) Data Sheets
Use the blank data sheet if you have to create new words and cannot use any of the existing word lists. Once you have made the 20 words, randomise them 5 times using an online list randomiser and then paste the 5 lists into the first sheet. This will give you a data sheet for the first session. You will then need to do the same for the other 11 sessions. Although you can use the initial five randomisations again, don’t use the sets in the same order again. The asterisk in the feedback column tells you when to give feedback, it was also randomised.
Example Visual Timetable
ReST Treatment Data Graph
Use this excel sheet to create treatment data graphs to see how your client is progressing. All you have to do is place your data (numbers) in the relevant boxes, and a graph will automatically be made for you. Most children like to see their progress on a daily basis so share it with them and their parents in prepractice or at the end of the session.
Resources Donated by Other Speech Language Pathologists
If you have created resources for ReST, we would love to hear from YOU! This may include therapy word lists, PowerPoints, or resources in a different language.
The following resources were donated by Suzanne Thompson.