
The resources here are free to use and download under creative commons copyright. This means you can use and share them but we would appreciate an email requesting permission if you want to rebrand the materials for your own practice. We would be grateful for your acknowledging the source of the materials as appropriate.

Information for parents and carers about ReST treatment

  • Parent Handout – General information for parents about ReST. This PDF will help you decide if ReST is the right treatment for an individual child. Use it to help guide discussions between the speech pathologist and the family.
  • Readiness Checklist
Resources for clinicians
  • Manual This 2nd edition of the ReST manual contains detailed instructions about every step of ReST therapy. It should be used in conjunction with this website as they are interwoven.
  • Polysyllables Polysyllabic words can be used for assessment purposes and/ or as a follow-up probe. Polysyllabic sentences are for older children who have less severe difficulties. They will challenge a child’s motor skill abilities.

Therapy Materials

  • In English. These materials have been used in our studies to provide therapy. You can use them freely and adapt them to your client.
  • Resources in Other Languages.
    • Italiano
    • Dansk
    • Português

Therapy Materials

For materials in languages other than English  please follow this link

English Language Materials